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 Rule of the forum

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Posts : 152
Join date : 16/03/2010

Rule of the forum Empty
MessageSujet: Rule of the forum   Rule of the forum Icon_minitime1Mar Mar 16, 2010 9:45 pm

There are some rules and their consequences if not followed

1. To join the game, you must create your character by filling the form in the CHARACTER, even if it's a canon one. The topic will be lock, so you have to create a new topic for that. When your character is approved, you will have access to write on the In game section and play with us!
a) If the character is an original one, you must wait for an approbation. Usually, we do not refuse character, except if it is missing informations.
b) If the character is a canon one, we must verify if it is still available.

2. In the rule of the forum, they ask for no vulgarity or sexuality. What fit well with the forum, because it's not a place for cybersex or to imitate a close house. If you want your charater having this opportunity with another character, do it in private... by mail or by some messenger, by exemple. However, do not harass the other players for that.

Consequence :
Your post will be delete.

3. Be realist and respect the character you play.

A ) In case of a made-up character, it's should be approve in the "Character" section. In addition of the file to fill, your character should have at least a weakness as strong as the strengh. You must send the weakness in private message to avoid other player using them as soon as they meet your character.

B ) If you doing a existing character, please respect his/her limits. To make change in their personnality, you should ask to the moderators if it is accept... You should also add a background story to explain the change.

Consequence :
1st time - Your post will be close and you'll receive a notice in the private message section to ask you to do some change.
5th time - Your post will be delete and you'll be ban.

4. Remember than it's a game and you cannot have the control of the others characters... so your idea can be block by the move of an other player.

Consequence :
1st time - Your post will be delete and you'll receive a avertissement by private message.
3rd time - Your post will be delete and the moderator will take over of your character, moving it for 10 post. They will also erase all message who will ignore their moderation's act.
4th time - Your post will be delete and you'll be ban and the moderator will play the character to drive it out of the game.

5. No bad language or insult anyone in ANY forum or in private. We suggest to the player who receive those bad mail to tell us what happened.

Consequence :
Your post will be delete and you'll receive a avertissement by private message.

6. Please do not harass someone to do something with your character! This is an rpg, not a fanfic! You cannot make someone else do something you want with his character against his will! We prefer to improvise and not making plans with the characters. It's unfair and boring for the others!

Consequence :
1st time - You will receive an avertissement by the private mail.
2nd time - You'll be ban of the game and the moderator will play the character to drive it out of the game.

7. Write readably, it is more pleasant to understand at the first time than to read the post 50 time before understanding and be able to answer the post.

Consequence :
Your post will be close and you'll receive a notice in the private message section to ask you to do some change.

8. You should answer at least once by month. If not, we will remove you the access to the forums, except for special situation (sickness, illness, lost of connection, computer problems, long vacation, etc.) To continue to play, you will have to redo the original request write at rule #1.

9. The lovestory are autorised, but each character who are in love with each other have to be play by different players.

Consequence :
Your post will be delete and you'll receive a avertissement by private message.

10. You cannot kill the character of another player. Only the owners can do that and for specific reasons.

11. You should make reply of more than 1 sentence to give something for answer to the other players. In a same ideas, you should not post too much messages in the same day, to let the others the chance to respond to your message. You must though that it's not everyone who can be always on the internet and respond. Instead, make longer posts!


In case of conflict, the rule would by modify to avoid those kind of fight.
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